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CAC Secures Some $4.2 Million on Behalf of Aggrieved Consumers

By: , September 21, 2021
CAC Secures Some $4.2 Million on Behalf of Aggrieved Consumers
Photo: Dave Reid
Communications Specialist, Consumer Affairs Commission (CAC), Dorothy Campbell.

The Full Story

The Consumer Affairs Commission (CAC) has secured approximately $4.2 million in refunds and compensation on behalf of aggrieved consumers for the period April to June 2021.

Communications Specialist, CAC, Dorothy Campbell, told JIS News that the funds were recovered from the top-five categories for refunds and compensation.

These are electrical Equipment and Appliances, where nearly $1.8 million was recovered; Furniture, approximately $1.3 million; Other Services, $605,000; Computers and Computer Parts, $321,600; and Utilities $236,927.

Meanwhile, Ms. Campbell noted that the Commission handled 1,815 complaints for the Financial Year 2020/2021.

“When compared to the cases for the previous period, we have increased by about 10.3 per cent,” she indicated.

Ms. Campbell said the number does not include those complaints that are currently under investigation.

“Some complaints require lengthy investigations, possibly testing by another competent authority and or maybe documentation that we might require or legal review by our legal officer,” she explained.

Ms. Campbell underscored that the money recovered is not retained by the CAC.

“All funds are collected on behalf of the consumer and are paid directly over to the consumer, whether as a refund or as compensation. We must underscore that point. It is the consumers’ tax dollar working for them,” she noted.

She encouraged consumers to utilise the services of the CAC in matters of redress.

“File a complaint if you feel something has gone wrong with the transaction and allow us to investigate,” she urged.

The CAC is the national agency responsible for consumer advocacy. For further information, persons can call 876-906-5425 or email info@cac.gov.jm.

Last Updated: September 21, 2021

Jamaica Information Service