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Cable and Wireless to Shut Down Stolen Mobile Phones

November 21, 2007

The Full Story

As of December 1, Cable and Wireless will be blacklisting and shutting down mobile phones that are stolen from its customers, rendering them useless.
Minister of Mining, Energy and Telecommunications, Clive Mullings, during a statement in the House of Representatives on (Nov. 20), noted that the move followed a request by the government to the island’s three mobile telephone providers, to take steps that will help to protect their customers.
The Minister informed that Digicel and MiPhone have expressed a willingness to take similar action when their customers’ phones are stolen.
“The other companies, which have responded positively to the government’s request, are to be commended for their willingness to assist in putting in place measures that we believe will help to reduce the threat of violence against the citizens of this country,” Mr. Mullings said.
He argued that “if the government did not move quickly to address the problem, we would continue to see an increase in the number of incidents in which our citizens, including school children, are attacked for their phones.”
In the meantime, Mr. Mullings also announced that the agreement between American Movil and Oceanic Digital Jamaica Limited, which trades as MiPhone, to acquire control of the shares in MiPhone, is now complete. The shares were transferred on November 5.
He said American Movil will begin to roll out a “number of exciting telecommunication’s services using leading technologies, and thereby deepening competition in the telecommunication’s sector to the benefit of consumers.”

Last Updated: November 21, 2007

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