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Cabinet to Consider Proposed Jamaica Employee Management Policy

By: , October 12, 2021
Cabinet to Consider Proposed Jamaica Employee Management Policy
Photo: Rudranath Fraser
Director General, Public Sector Transformation and Modernisation Division, Office of the Cabinet, Veniece Pottinger-Scott.

The Full Story

Cabinet is shortly expected to deliberate on the proposed implementation of a Government of Jamaica Employee Management Policy.

The Policy incorporates minimum standards that will, among other things, standardise the approach to employee performance management across the public sector.

It is expected to facilitate a culture of performance among public servants by enabling their development to become results-oriented, high performing professionals and linking rewards and recognition to achievements.

Director General of the Public Sector Transformation and Modernisation Division, Office of the Cabinet, Veniece Pottinger-Scott, said that the Policy articulates the Government’s vision for a public sector characterised by a performance culture that is client-focused and results-oriented, “constantly seeking ways to improve [service delivery]”, and highly motivated employees empowered to serve Jamaicans effectively”.

“That is not to say that this is not taking place, but we are standardising the approach so that it is uniformly [instituted] across the entire public sector with recognised [benchmarks],” she added.

She was addressing the recent Customer Service Excellence digital conference.

Meanwhile, Mrs. Pottinger-Scott said notable progress has been made under the Public Sector Transformation and Modernisation Programme (PSTMP) to improve services provided to clients, notably in strengthening the capacity of human resources.

She pointed out that this was being done through a programme targeting strategic human resource management (HRM) development.

Mrs. Pottinger-Scott said the aim is to provide HRM management professionals in ministries, departments and agencies (MDAs) with the necessary training and capacity development to undertake their roles within the new strategic HRM framework and the transformed operating environment within the public sector.

“Human resource management professionals from 138 HRM units across the public sector were, in fact, trained to execute these critical new functions under our programme,” the Director General informed.

The overall PSTMP is focused on bolstering trade, investment facilitation and service excellence; transforming the public sector into one that is customer-centric; transforming the information and communications technology framework underpinning the sector, to facilitate integrated technology-enabled public service delivery; facilitating human resource management and institutional strengthening to ensure that employees and institutions have the capacity to deliver results.

The digital customer conference was jointly hosted by the Jamaica Customer Service Association (JaCSA) and the Public Sector Transformation and Modernisation Division, under the theme ‘You…Me…We Got the Power of Service Excellence!’.

Last Updated: October 12, 2021

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