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Cabinet to be Updated Today on Operation in Tivoli Gardens

May 26, 2010

The Full Story

Cabinet is to meet at 5:00 p.m. today (May 26), to be fully updated on the activities that have taken place over the past 24 hours in the joint police/military operation in West Kingston.
Speaking at a press briefing at Jamaica House today, Minister with responsibility for Information, Telecommunications and Special Projects, Hon. Daryl Vaz, said Cabinet would also deliberate on any further decisions that are to be made in relation to the operation.
Meanwhile, Mr. Vaz noted that eight top international media houses had registered with the Media Centre, as of 9:00 a.m. today. The centre was set up at the Hilton Hotel, in New Kingston, yesterday (May 25), to provide updates on the operation by the Security Forces.
“The Government thought it very important to set up this unit, so that we could actually have international and local media being able to get information in relation to the activities that were taking place,” he reiterated.
The media centre can be reached at 929-8243, 906-4702 o r 908-1069. The email address is: jismediacentre@gmail.com. The centre is being manned by: the Jamaica Constabulary Force, through its communication arm; the Jamaica Defence Force, the Jamaica Tourist Board, the JIS, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade.
Mr. Vaz said updates will be issued from the media centre at least three times daily, or more regularly if the need arises.
“This initiative will allow for the information flow, both locally and internationally, to be as credible as possible, and ensure that the right messages are going out in terms of how the government and the people of Jamaica are managing this situation,” the Minister explained.

Last Updated: August 15, 2013

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