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Cabinet Receives Submission on Strategic Response to Upsurge in Crime

January 16, 2007

The Full Story

Cabinet has received a submission from the Ministry of National Security on the strategic response to the upsurge in crime, particularly murder, in the first two weeks of 2007.
However, Information and Development Minister, Donald Buchanan informed at a post-Cabinet press briefing yesterday (January 15), at Jamaica House, that due to the absence of National Security Minister, Dr. Peter Phillips, Prime Minister, Portia Simpson Miller has instructed that discussions on the submission be deferred to Monday (Jan. 22), when Minister Phillips would be able to personally present the contents of the submission to Cabinet.
Dr. Phillips is currently in Trinidad and Tobago addressing security arrangements for the upcoming Cricket World Cup 2007 tournament.
Mr. Buchanan further informed that Minister of Labour and Social Security, Derrick Kellier has also made two submissions to Cabinet with respect to the national minimum wage and the minimum wage for security guards.
Mr. Kellier is scheduled to table details of the increases in the House of Representatives shortly.
Minister Buchanan said it was anticipated that the increases would take effect by the end of this month. “Unlike the distant past, workers are now receiving constant improvements with respect to the national minimum wage,” he stated.
The last increase was effected on January 30, 2006, bringing the national minimum wage to $2,800, up from $2,400 per 40-hour work week. This represented an increase of 16.66 per cent.
Meanwhile, there was a 15 per cent increase in the minimum wage for industrial security guards, moving the wage from $3,600 to $4,140 per 40 hour work week.

Last Updated: January 16, 2007

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