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Cabinet Office Promoting Excellence in Public Sector Service Delivery

March 10, 2009

The Full Story

Another step to improve customer service in public sector agencies will be made tomorrow, (March 11) when the Public Sector Modernization Division (PSMD) of the Cabinet Office will host a Customer Service Conference and Workshop under the theme ‘Excellence in Service Delivery.’
The conference will provide participants with information on customer service best practice across the Public Sector; evaluate the development of the Citizen’s Charter/Customer Service Programme and analysis of issues related to excellence in service delivery.
Minister without Portfolio in the Ministry of Finance and the Public Service, Dwight Nelson, will deliver the keynote address.
Two Departments will share their experiences in implementing service delivery processes. The Inland Revenue Division will give feedback on the Automated Motor Vehicle System and the National Water Commission will give feedback on the implementation of the Customer Service Information System.
Other initiatives of the PSMD to promote excellence in service delivery in the public sector include the ongoing Citizen’s Charter/Customer Service programme, now established in 108 public bodies; the biennial Public Sector Customer Service Competition; and the development of the Customer Service Monitoring and Evaluation Framework.
The National Customer Service Policy framework is expected to be drafted for Cabinet submission during the first quarter of the financial year 2009/2010.

Last Updated: August 28, 2013

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