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Cabinet Approves New JUTC Board

October 9, 2007

The Full Story

Cabinet has approved the appointment of a twelve-member Board of Directors to head the state-owned and operated Jamaica Urban Transit Company (JUTC).
Minister of Transport and Works, Mike Henry who made the announcement at the weekly post-Cabinet press briefing on (October 9), at Jamaica House said one of the first priorities of the Board is to reduce the $100 million loss that is now facing the company.
Chartered Accountant, Douglas Chambers has been appointed to serve as Chairman of the Board. Other Board members include: Financial Analyst, Dennis Chung; Entrepreneurs, Bindley Sangster, Rae Barrett and Max Leiba; Principal Financial Officer in the Ministry of Transport and Works, Altius Williams; Deputy Financial Secretary in the Ministry of Finance and the Public Service, Ann Marie-Rhoden; JUTC President, Ryan White; Chartered Accountant, Victor Green; Attorney-at-law, Ian Wilkinson; Mr. Paul Abrahams; and Mr. Calvin Samuels.
Mr. Henry said that a commuter, who will also sit on the Board, should be named shortly.

Last Updated: October 9, 2007

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