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Cabinet Approves New Boards for Jamaica National Heritage Trust, the Museums of History and Enthnography and the Northeast Regional Health Authority

May 27, 2008

The Full Story

Cabinet has approved the new Board of Trustees for the Jamaica National Heritage Trust (JNHT) and the Board of Directors for the Museums of History and Ethnography nominated by the Honourable Olivia “Babsy” Grange, Minister of Information, Culture, Youth and Sports.
The members of the Board of Trustees for the JNHT are:1. Mr. Patrick Stanigar Chairman2. Mr. Lloyd Chito Vice-Chairman3. Mr. Hugh Nash4. Mrs. Elizabeth Stair5. Dr. Leary Myers6. Mrs. Laleta Davis-Mattis7. Mr. Vivian Crawford8. Mrs. Louise McLeod9. Dr. James Parrent10. M r. George Lechler11. Professor Patrick Bryan12. Mr. Jonathan Surtees13. Mr. Mark McIntosh14. Miss Anne Hodges15. A representative Ministry of Tourism
For the Museums of History and Ethnography the Board of Directors comprises:1. Dr. Rebecca Tortello Chairman2. Mr. Vivian Crawford3. Mr. Wayne Modest4. Dr. Laura Tanna5. Dr. James Robertson6. Mrs. Valerie Facey7. Mrs. Valerie Vieira8. Mr. Dorrick Gray9. Dr. Elizabeth Pigou-Dennis10. Dr. Sonjah Stanley Niaah11. Mr. Peter Carson12. Dr. Diana Thorburn13. Mr. Wayne Gallimore14. A representative from the Ministry of Tourism
Also approved by Cabinet is a new Board of Management of the Northeast Regional Health Authority.
The Members are:1. Mr. Wesley Davis Chairman2. Dr. Nicholas Clarke3. Mr. Wadwald Knight4. Mrs. Yvonne Mangaroo5. Mr. Vincent Chong6. Mrs. Marcia Dennis7. Dr. Isaac Brown8. Mrs. Marcia Grant9. Councillor Neville Williams10. Councillor Dave Morris
Ex-officio Members11. Regional Director12. Chief Executive Officer of the Regional Hospital13. Regional Technical Director14. Senior Medical Officer of the Regional Hospital15. Permanent secretary’s nominee
The Board of Management of the Northeast Regional Health Authority falls under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Health.

Last Updated: May 27, 2008

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