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Cabinet Approves Appointment of Members to the Municipal Service Commission

August 15, 2007

The Full Story

Cabinet has approved proposals for the appointment of Chairmen and members to the Municipal Service Commission and Parish Councils Services Commission to serve for a period of two years, effective July 31.
This was announced by Minister of Information and Development, Donald Buchanan at a post-Cabinet press briefing at Jamaica House on Tuesday (Aug. 14).
The membership of the Municipal Service Commission will comprise: former Mayor of Savanna-la-mar, Ralph Anglin (Chairman); the Hon. Anthony Irons. O.J., Senior Advisor in the Office of the Prime Minister; Patricia Richardson, C.D, retired civil servant; Ralph Grant, systems supervisor, and Jamaica Association of Local Government Officers (JALGO) nominee; and Merline Daley, former Councillor, and Kingston and St. Andrew Corporation (KSAC) nominee.
Mr. Buchanan explained that the same set of members with the exclusion of the KSAC nominee, and the substitution of a representative from the Association of Local Government Authorities (ALGA), Wycliffe Mathews, will comprise the Parish Councils Services Commission.
Based on recommendations of the Local Government Reform Programme and in anticipation of the Unified Local Government Service, since the 1990s, all persons selected for membership on one Commission are automatically placed on the other Commission with the exception of the representative of ALGA (who sits only on the Parish Councils Services Commission). This is aimed at ensuring that the KSAC and the Parish Councils are viewed and administered as a unified service rather than as two separate services.
The Municipal Services Commission Act and the Parish Councils (Unified Service) Act provide for the establishment of the Municipal Services Commission and the Parish Councils Services Commission, respectively.

Last Updated: August 15, 2007

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