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Black River Mayor Commends Agencies and Service Clubs

September 19, 2008

The Full Story

Mayor of Black River, Councillor Jeremy Palmer, has commended agencies and service clubs in St. Elizabeth, for the work they have done in relation to Tropical Storm Gustav.
Speaking at a recent meeting of the St. Elizabeth Parish Council, the Mayor said all the groups had been ready to assist, had the Storm caused a major disturbance.
“As the news went out that a Storm was pending, they all turned up at our emergency meeting held at the Council. I know that Councillors were out in the communities informing people and ensuring that they were safe, the resources of the different agencies and service clubs were available to be used if it had become necessary,” Mr. Palmer said.
He noted that the cooperation received will help the Council to manage future disasters. “Both the Parish Council and the National Works Agency (NWA), did some early drain cleaning and that I believe prevented flooding in a number of areas. We must continue to work in the collaborative vain, which I believe will help us to deal effectively when emergencies arise,” he added.
Meanwhile, Disaster Coordinator for the parish, Renee Bradford-Britton, told JIS News, that she is continuing to provide information to persons in areas that are normally affected when a hurricane strike.
“The hurricane season is still on, and so we have to continue working to remind persons that certain areas are the first to be flooded or severely affected by a hurricane or storm. And we have to be ready so that we can respond and be proactive in saving lives,” Miss Bradford-Britton said.

Last Updated: September 19, 2008

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