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Bethlehem Moravian College Offers Criminal Justice Course

By: , March 18, 2016

The Key Point:

The Bethlehem Moravian College in Malvern, St. Elizabeth, is now offering a new course of study - an Associate Degree in Criminal Justice.
Bethlehem Moravian College Offers Criminal Justice Course
Photo: Marlon Tingling
Principal of Bethlehem Moravian College, Mrs. Yvonne Clarke, addresses the official launch of the institution’s new programme, the Associate Degree in Criminal Justice. The launch took place at the college on Thursday, March 17.

The Facts

  • The programme was officially launched by Principal of the college, Yvonne Clarke, during a ceremony on Thursday, March 17, 2016.
  • Mrs. Clarke pointed out that the new programme is gradually gaining traction among citizens in southern Jamaica.

The Full Story

            The Bethlehem Moravian College in Malvern, St. Elizabeth, is now offering a new course of study – an Associate Degree in Criminal Justice.

            The programme was officially launched by Principal of the college, Yvonne Clarke, during a ceremony on Thursday, March 17, and forms part of activities to mark the institution’s 155th anniversary.

            Mrs. Clarke said the introduction of the programme is aimed at satisfying a growing need for training in that area, and at repositioning Bethlehem Moravian College as one of Jamaica’s premier tertiary institutions.

            “We have to diversify because many persons still feel we are just a teacher training institution. I went to the United States of America to study and I did juvenile justice and psychology and when I came back, the Council of Community Colleges was offering this new programme – Criminal Justice –  so, I realized that what I learnt, I really want to transfer much of that to this institution. I also want to make Bethlehem Moravian College a pioneer institution in that area of study,” she said.

            Mrs. Clarke pointed out that the new programme is gradually gaining traction among citizens in southern Jamaica, especially young members of the Jamaica Constabulary Force (JCF), who are now able to undertake part-time study.

            “So far the cohorts are very small , but we know that after today’s launch and with each one telling another person about the programme, we are going to be having many more students coming in for the upcoming school year,” she said.

            Mrs. Clarke  said   that arrangements are already in place for students who would complete the two-year Associate Degree in Criminal Justice, to pursue a Bachelors Degree in that field on-line or with Munro College in the United States.

Last Updated: March 18, 2016

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