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Atlanta Jamaica Association Looking to Establish Cultural Centre

November 9, 2009

The Full Story

President elect of the Atlanta Jamaica Association (AJA), Mr. Errol Ritchie, has said that the organisation will be seeking to establish a centre for Jamaican culture, which will provide information, and counselling services to its members and the wider Jamaican community.
The facility, he said, would also serve as the Association’s headquarters and assist Jamaicans in the pursuit of their educational goals, inform members of job opportunities, provide housing information to Jamaicans entering Atlanta and provide information to help Jamaicans keep abreast of the political social and economic developments at home.
Mr. Ritchie told JIS News that the new administration, which will take up office on January 1, 2010, will focus on increasing membership, develop innovative and creative methods to attract new members, and expand the Association’s outreach.
He also committed to continuing to support and facilitate efforts that will enhance the visibility of the Association in Atlanta, as well as to provide benefits for the Jamaican community and build the relationship between nationals in Atlanta and those at home.
The vision of the AJA, he said, is to promote friendship, unity, and understanding between Jamaicans and Atlantans through benevolence, social, cultural, and sporting activities to enhance patriotism, education, and civic responsibilities.
The AJA, which is the oldest such organisation in Atlanta, is celebrating 33 years this year.

Last Updated: August 20, 2013

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