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Anti-Litter Ticketing System to be Introduced in St. Ann Next Week

July 19, 2007

The Full Story

Come next week, the National Solid Waste Management Authority (NSWMA) will be rolling out its Anti-Litter Ticketing System in the parish of St. Ann.
This will bring to three, the number of parishes that have been included in the system since the end of the pilot programme on June 30.
The Anti-Litter Ticketing System was piloted in four areas – Portmore in St. Catherine; Montego Bay, St. James; Kingston and St. Andrew on May 1.
Under the Anti-Litter Ticketing system, persons found contravening the provisions under the Public Cleanliness Regulations, will be ticketed and fined.
These include urinating in public; littering in a public place, for example the sidewalk and road; breaking a bottle or an article of glass in any public place without having lawful authority or reasonable excuse to do so; littering a person’s property; and defacing a building with graffiti, among other violations.
Speaking at the weekly JIS ‘Think Tank’ today (July 19), Director of Enforcement and Compliance, Andre Wiltshire pointed out that the system was implemented in Manchester during the first week of July and in St. Thomas, the following week.
“By the end of the year we expect to roll out the system in all parishes,” he informed.
To date, 311 tickets have been issued, with Kingston recording the highest, followed by St. James.
“It has been successful and the feedback from the public is that we have been doing a pretty good job,” Mr. Wiltshire said.
The Director disclosed that out of the number of tickets issued, only 88 tickets have been paid for and as such, the NSWMA had in place a team to pursue delinquent persons. This team will be assisted by the Jamaica Constabulary Force (JCF).

Last Updated: July 19, 2007

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