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Annotto Bay Fire Station Receives Appliances from Local Company

November 24, 2005

The Full Story

Fire fighters at the Annotto Bay Fire Station in St. Mary are now benefiting from a more pleasant work environment, due to the efforts of the Evroy H. Chin Group of Companies.
The Company has adopted the Annotto Bay Fire Station and has pledged their support to the development of the parish as well as to the welfare of the Annotto Bay fire fighters.
To this end, a refrigerator and a television set were presented to fire station on Tuesday (November 22).
Representative from the Evroy H. Chin Group of Companies, Bill Whiting told JIS News that the owner of the company had recognized that the fire station was in need and therefore decided to assist.
“Mr. Chin recognized that the fire station had needs that were essential but were not within their budget and because of his interest in the community he decided to adopt the station,” Mr. Whiting said.
He commended the fire fighters on the way in which they had been carrying out their duties in the area and wished them success in their future endeavours.
Acting Lance Corporal at the Station, Paul Shelton, said he was happy for the contribution, as his days would be much brighter on the job.
“We have been somewhat stressed, operating without these appliances each day and coming into the office after a hard day’s work it is a bit tedious when we can’t cool down with a cold drink of water or even watch television in order to relieve some of the stress,” he remarked, adding, “now we can say that things will be different, thanks to Mr. Whiting and Mr. Chin for meeting our needs,” he said.
Meanwhile, Acting Watch Commander for the St. Mary Division, Michael Israel, officially thanked Mr. Chin for the invaluable contribution that he had made to the Annotto Bay Fire Station and urged the fire fighters to take special care of the new appliances.

Last Updated: November 24, 2005

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