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Agriculture Sector Remains Buoyant

By: , November 26, 2015

The Key Point:

Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries, Hon. Derrick Kellier, says the agricultural sector remains buoyant, delivering some 3.3 per cent of growth during the July to September quarter.
Agriculture Sector Remains Buoyant
Photo: Dave Reid
Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries, Hon. Derrick Kellier (2nd right), listens intently as Chief Executive Officer of Nature’s Premium, Jennifer Jones (left), provides information on the company’s products. Occasion was an Eat Jamaican Day Exposition held at the Jamaica 4-H Clubs headquarters in St. Andrew on November 25.Others (from left) are: National Farm Queen, Peta-Gaye Stewart; President of the Jamaica Agricultural Society (JAS), Senator Norman Grant; Permanent Secretary in the Ministry, Donovan Stanberry; and Advisor to the Minister, Phyllis Mitchell.

The Facts

  • He said the sector, which is a major employer and foreign exchange earner, is one of the pillars on which the country’s agenda for economic growth rests.
  • As such, he said that the Government continues to pursue strategies to make the sector sustainable, with billions invested in development initiatives.

The Full Story

Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries, Hon. Derrick Kellier, says the agricultural sector remains buoyant, delivering some 3.3 per cent of growth during the July to September quarter.

He said the sector, which is a major employer and foreign exchange earner, is one of the pillars on which the country’s agenda for economic growth rests.

As such, he said that the Government continues to pursue strategies to make the sector sustainable, with billions invested in development initiatives.

Minister Kellier, who was addressing an Eat Jamaican Day Exposition at the Jamaica 4-H Clubs headquarters in St. Andrew on November 25, noted that some $3.4 billion has been spent on systems to prevent farm theft and to improve animal health.

In addition, approximately $2 billion has been invested in the provision of irrigation in agro-parks and farming areas.

Minister Kellier informed that $216 million has been spent to revitalise the banana industry, which has facilitated the resumption of export of the fruit to the United Kingdom, with another $400 million to be spent over the next four years.

In emphasising that the achievements of the sector should not be taken for granted, the Agriculture Minister said they have resulted from policy measures, and support from local and international partners in funding infrastructure and capacity-building initiatives.

He said that for the first time, Jamaica has a documented policy, which seeks to ensure that a sufficient quantity of nutritious food of appropriate quality is available to consumers through increased domestic production and sustainable levels of imports.

Last Updated: November 26, 2015

Jamaica Information Service