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Agriculture Ministry to Address Hurricane Damage at CASE

November 2, 2012

The Full Story

The Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries will be working to ensure that hurricane damage at the College of Agriculture, Science and Education (CASE) is addressed as soon as possible.

Minister of State in the Ministry, Hon. Ian Hayles, made the commitment on Monday October 29, while addressing staff of the Portland-based institution, where he stopped, while on a tour of the parish. The State Minister’s tour was to get a firsthand look at the damage sustained during the passage of Hurricane Sandy on October 24.

There was structural damage tobuildings on the animal science tutorial farm, the East Campus library, Dorm C, and on the West Campus. There was also damage to the institution’s greenhouse farms and hydroponics systems.

Mr. Hayles said the commitment of the Government "is to ensure that we put you back into production and to allow you to do what you do best, and that is farming and educating a nation of farmers."

He noted that as soon as the various assessments are completed, the administrators of the college will be informed of the specific assistance that will be rendered.      

During the tour, the Agriculture State Minister  along with Rural Agricultural Development Authority (RADA) officials, saw firsthand, the extent of damage to crops and livestock, including banana, coconut, papaya, and poultry.

CASE, a multi-disciplinary institution, is committed to providing education and training of the highest quality in agriculture, science and teacher education to men and women in Jamaica, and other Caribbean countries, through teaching, research and outreach. 

Mr. Hayles said the institution plays an important role in educating farmers on best practices, which should be used in the agriculture sector.

Last Updated: July 26, 2013

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