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Agriculture Minister Calls on Board Chairpersons to Share Knowledge and Skills

By: , January 12, 2023
Agriculture Minister Calls on Board Chairpersons to Share Knowledge and Skills
Photo: Contributed
Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries, Hon. Pearnel Charles Jr. (seated, centre), and State Minister, Franklyn Witter (seated, fourth left), with Board Chairpersons of entities under the Ministry, after a recent meeting at the Ministry’s head office in Kingston.

The Full Story

Board Chairpersons of entities under the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries have been encouraged to share their knowledge and skills to achieve greater efficiency in the different sectors.

The call came from Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries, Hon. Pearnel Charles Jr., during a recent meeting with the Board Chairpersons.

“If you are in talks with an entity and you see where benefits, through synergy, can be derived for another portfolio agency within the remit of the Ministry, I implore you to communicate with each other and share any pertinent information that could lend to the growth and expansion of the sector,” the Minister said.

The meeting was aimed at refreshing strategic operations within the Ministry and to share details on the ‘Grow Smart, Eat Smart’ national programme, aimed at increasing agricultural production for the country’s food security.

Mr. Charles Jr. also advised that he would be holding quarterly meetings with the newly convened Council of Chairpersons, as he saw that many of the skillsets within the group could be beneficial to others.

The Minister used the opportunity to thank the Board Chairpersons for their service over the past year, to coincide with the one-year anniversary of his appointment in the Ministry.

Last Updated: January 12, 2023

Jamaica Information Service