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Advanced Training for JUTC Technical Staff

September 10, 2009

The Full Story

Acting Managing Director of the state-run Jamaica Urban Transit Company (JUTC), Paul Abrahams, has disclosed that plans are afoot to provide the entity’s technical staff with the requisite training to better equip them to maintain the organisation’s fleet of buses.
He said this was very important, given the state-of-the-art technology which is fitted inside the units in the JUTC’s current fleet, and the additional 200, which will be forthcoming as at March 2010.
Speaking with JIS News, Mr. Abrahams said that currently, the JUTC, which provides public passenger services to commuters in the Kingston Metropolitan Transport Region (KMTR), lacks the necessary in-house expertise to adequately maintain the units. This undertaking, he disclosed, lies within the remit of local transport firm, JR Wellington Import/Export Corporation Limited, local agents for the Belgian firm, Jonckheere Bus and Coach N.V., suppliers of the JUTC’s buses.
“We are heavily dependent on them for the support. But, I think it is going to be critical that we endeavour to get our own training done through whatever assistance we get from Jonkheere. There are discussions underway for training to be done. We are looking at setting up a complete mechanical training centre here, where we will have our mechanics being trained by people from Belgium,” Mr. Abrahams outlined, adding that this provision would be extended to the drivers.
Speaking with JIS News, Mr. Rennie Wellington, whose company’s technicians currently maintain upwards of 175 JUTC buses, gave the undertaking to also assist with the entity’s training regime.
“So, hopefully you should not see those buses breaking down frequently on the roads. We will do our best to make them work at 100 per cent efficiency at all times,” Mr. Wellington assured.

Last Updated: August 21, 2013

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