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Accompong Town gets internet cafe

March 7, 2011

The Full Story

The community of Accompong Town in St. Elizabeth now has an Internet café, which was established through funding from the Universal Access Fund (UAF).

Speaking at the recent handing over ceremony, head of the Maroon Council, Colonel Ferron Williams, expressed gratitude to the donors. He promised that the community will care for the facility and extend its use to surrounding areas.

“We are grateful to the Universal Access Fund for their donation in making the internet café in Accompong Town possible. The Internet café is not only beneficial to those who live in the community but to those who are from neighbouring communities. I want to assure the sponsors that the communities will ensure that it will be operated in an efficient and effective manner,” he stated.

Junior member of the Council, Rhojel Dixon, said the facility, consisting of 12 computers, will be used for the advancement of education. He said that students, who need to access the Internet for their school work, will no longer have to travel outside of Accompong to do so.

“It is a dream come true for the community; we are eternally grateful for having this facility. It has helped us to realize that, though we are a community steeped in tradition, we can indeed appreciate and embrace something of a contemporary nature. It has enlightened us to a reality that the remoteness of our location does not mean that we have to be remote in our knowledge,” he said.

Head of the UAF, Hugh Cross, urged the residents to ensure that the facility is kept in good condition and that the resources are used for the economic and social benefit of the community.



                    JIS REGIONAL OFFICE


Last Updated: August 9, 2013

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