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Minister Nicholson for COTED and CHOGM

By: , November 9, 2013

The Key Point:

Senator the Hon. A.J. Nicholson QC is to attend the 37th Meeting of the CARICOM COTED.
Minister Nicholson for COTED and CHOGM
Minister of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade, Senator the Hon. A.J. Nicholson.

The Facts

  • He will be part of the Special Session of COTED, which seeks to consider the strategic focus and direction of the Council.
  • Prior to the CHOGM itself, Minister Nicholson will be participating in the Meeting of the CMAG.

The Full Story

Senator the Honourable Arnold J. Nicholson QC, Minister of Foreign Affairs & Foreign Trade is to attend the 37th Meeting of the CARICOM Council for Trade and Economic Development (COTED), in Georgetown, Guyana, which runs from the 5th-9th November.

The Ministerial of the 37th Regular Session of COTED, is scheduled for Saturday, November 9, is now underway, with Minister Nicholson participation. He will be part of the Special Session of COTED, which seeks to consider the strategic focus and direction of the Council. To this end, the Ministers will seek to identify strategies to enhance the effectiveness of the Council in fulfilling its mandate, as outlined in the Revised Treaty of Chagaramus.

Minister Nicholson who has been accompanied by a small Jamaican private sector team is also expected to advocate for the re-engagement with and the participation of the private sector in meetings of the COTED.

Topics on the agenda for examination during the Ministerial Meeting on Saturday include:

  1. CARICOM’s response to the Economic Situation Facing Member States
  2. the ruling by the Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ) in the Shanique Myrie Case
  3. developments related to the CARICOM-Canada Trade Negotiations
  4. preparations for the Meeting of the CARICOM-US Trade and Investment Council
  5. preparations for the 9th World Trade Organization (WTO) Ministerial Conference, and
  6. matters related to intra-regional trade in goods.


Minister Nicholson leaves from Georgetown, Guyana to attend the 23rd Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) in Colombo, Sri Lanka from 15th-17th November, under the theme: Growth with Equity: Inclusive Development.

It is expected that this theme will allow for discussion on the challenges facing Commonwealth Member States in achieving sustainable development and growth that is people centred and inclusive.

Prior to the CHOGM itself, Minister Nicholson will be participating in the Meeting of the Commonwealth Ministerial Action Group (CMAG).

Issues on the agenda for CHOGM 2013 include:

  1. solutions to the debt-challenges of small states, and
  2. the ability of climate vulnerable states to access financing for climate-resilient development.

CHOGM will also consider reports such as the one prepared by the Ramphal Institute on Facilitating Border Crossings among Commonwealth States.

Minister Nicholson will be accompanied on this trip by H.E. Mrs. Aloun Assamba, Jamaica’s High Commissioner to the United Kingdom.


He is expected back on November 20.


Last Updated: November 11, 2013

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