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Back-to-School Assistance Provided for Children of Ocho Rios Craft Traders

By: , September 11, 2024
Back-to-School Assistance Provided for Children of Ocho Rios Craft Traders
Photo: Garwin Davis
Executive Director, Jamaica Vacations (JAMVAC), Joy Roberts (left), looks on as school supplies are presented to craft traders in Ocho Rios, St. Ann, for their children as part of an assistance initiative spearheaded recently by the Ministry of Tourism and other relevant agencies. The event was held at Ocho Rios Primary School.
Back-to-School Assistance Provided for Children of Ocho Rios Craft Traders
Photo: Garwin Davis
Executive Director, Jamaica Vacations (JAMVAC), Joy Roberts (left), converses with craft traders in Ocho Rios, St. Ann, who received back-to-school supplies for their children, as part of an assistance initiative spearheaded recently by the Ministry of Tourism and other relevant agencies. The event was held at Ocho Rios Primary School.
Back-to-School Assistance Provided for Children of Ocho Rios Craft Traders
Photo: Garwin Davis
Volunteers from Jamaica Vacations (JAMVAC) prepare back-to-school supplies for the children of craft traders in Ocho Rios, St. Ann. The items were handed over during a treat hosted recently at Ocho Rios Primary School. The provisions formed part of an assistance initiative spearheaded by the Ministry of Tourism and other relevant agencies.

The Full Story

Scores of craft traders in Ocho Rios, St. Ann, recently received back-to-school supplies for their children, courtesy of the Ministry of Tourism, Jamaica Vacations (JAMVAC) and several other government agencies.

The gesture, which took place during a treat at Ocho Rios Primary School, was designed to assist craft vendors suffering significant business losses due to damage sustained by the Ocho Rios Cruise Port during a storm surge several months ago which led to a considerable decrease in cruise-ship arrivals.

Many vendors reported a steep decline in sales, resulting in their being unable to adequately provide for their families, particularly their children, ahead of the 2024/25 academic year’s commencement on September 2.

JAMVAC’s Executive Director, Joy Roberts, told JIS News that the back-to-school initiative formed part of a broader programme spearheaded by Tourism Minister, Hon. Edmund Bartlett, which was “aimed at revitalising the livelihoods of these vendors”.

“This programme, through Jamaica Vacations and Jamaica Cruising, is crucial in assisting the children and grandchildren of vendors who have been directly affected by the port challenges,” she stated.

Ms. Roberts pointed out that more than 1,000 children of traders operating at the Pineapple, Ocho Rios, and Olde Craft Markets, benefited from the generous donations.

“The event also received sponsorship from the Urban Development Corporation (UDC), showcasing a community effort to support those in need,” the Executive Director added.

The St. Ann Municipal Corporation also took part in the event, providing back-to-school materials for the craft traders as well as members of the wider community.

Chairman and Mayor of St. Ann’s Bay, Councillor Michael Belnavis, had high praises for the initiative, noting the collaborative spirit that made the event possible.

“It was truly a remarkable day. We are also grateful to Chukka Caribbean Adventures for their assistance in making this happen,” he said.

Craft traders benefiting were greatly appreciative of the gesture and support provided.

Ocho Rios vendor, Michelle Brown, told JIS News that “this gesture means the world to us, especially during these challenging times”.

Fellow trader, Peter Wilson, echoed her sentiments, while expressing the hope that this and other initiatives will continue, to support their community.

“We are extremely grateful for the assistance, which came as a surprise. It’s not the end all… but it [was] indeed a start to help to get our children in school for the start of a new term,” he added.

Minister Bartlett, who was unable to attend the event, told JIS News that the back-to-school treat not only provided much-needed supplies but also reinforced the resilience and unity of the craft trading community in Ocho Rios.

“We are aware of the struggles of our craft traders… the loss of business and all the things they have been through. We, at the Ministry, along with our partners, felt that this back-to-school treat… was the best thing to do,” he said.

Mr. Bartlett pointed out that the Government remains committed to having the Ocho Rios pier restored at full capacity and in the shortest possible time.

This, he added, is also a commitment “we have made to our cruise-shipping partners… and one that we are obligated to see through”.

Last Updated: September 11, 2024

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