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Portland Communities Benefit from SDC’s Empowerment Thrust

September 17, 2005

The Full Story

The Social Development Commission (SDC), through its social empowerment thrust, is working with communities in Portland to help them to access funding for development projects.
Among the beneficiary communities so far are Belleview, Windsor and Rock Hall.
Viviene Cherrington-Bailey, Acting SDC Parish Manager, explained to JIS News that the communities have been organized into benevolent societies to make representation to local and international funding agencies, for financing to undertake social and economic projects.
She noted that the most critical need identified by the communities at this time, was the provision of adequate and reliable water supply systems, and they were working with the Jamaica Social Investment Fund and Food for the Poor to implement these projects.
According to Mrs. Cherrington-Bailey, the main aim of the programme was to empower communities to take responsibility for their own development. She noted that other communities would be brought on board shortly.

Last Updated: September 17, 2005

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