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PHOTOS: China Town Wi-Fi Launch

January 25, 2023
PHOTOS: China Town Wi-Fi Launch
Photo: Rudranath Fraser
Universal Service Fund (USF) Communications Officer, Timothy Simmonds (second left) and Member of Parliament, St. Catherine Eastern, Denise Daley (second right), use a mobile phone to access the Internet. Occasion was the launch of a free secured community Wi-Fi hotspot in China Town, St. Catherine, on January 24. Looking on (from left) are community representative Z'Janae Barrett and Deputy Superintendent of Police, Michael Campbell.
PHOTOS: China Town Wi-Fi Launch
Photo: Rudranath Fraser
Mayor of Spanish Town, Norman Scott (second left) and Member of Parliament, St. Catherine Eastern, Denise Daley (second right), unveil the sign to launch a free secured community Wi-Fi hotspot in China Town, St. Catherine, on January 24. They are joined by Deputy Superintendent of Police, Michael Campbell (left), and Universal Service Fund (USF) Communications Officer, Timothy Simmonds.
PHOTOS: China Town Wi-Fi Launch
Photo: Rudranath Fraser
Deputy Superintendent of Police, Michael Campbell (left), presents a tablet computer, donated by the Universal Service Fund (USF), to White Marl Primary and Infant School student Delina Smartt. Occasion was the launch of community Wi-Fi in China Town, St. Catherine, on January 24.

The Full Story

Member of Parliament, St. Catherine Eastern, Denise Daley (second right), gives the thumbs up, after using the newly installed Wi-Fi service in China Town, St. Catherine, to access the Internet. The service was launched on January 24. Others (from left) are community representative Z’Janae Barrett; Universal Service Fund (USF), Communications Officer, Timothy Simmonds and Deputy Superintendent of Police, Michael Campbell.
Last Updated: January 25, 2023

Jamaica Information Service