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Education Minister Attends 1st Meeting of Education Ministers in Cuba

February 7, 2013

The Full Story

The Minister of Education, Hon Rev. Ronald Thwaites departed for Cuba on Wednesday, February 6.

He is scheduled to participate in the 1st meeting of Education Ministers of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC).

The summit will be held as part of the International Pedagogy Conference 2013, which takes place in the Caribbean island, with the attendance of almost 4,000 spokespeople from over 30 countries. The Education Ministers forum will take place at Havana’s Convention Palace.

Education luminaries from the Caribbean Community will present on the following topics: Teacher Education and Professional Development, Quality of Basic Education, Literacy Programmes for Young People and Adults and Training Young People for Life.

Minister Thwaites will return to the island on Friday, February 8.

Last Updated: July 25, 2013

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