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Deadline Extended for Public Sector Customer Service Competition

January 19, 2013

The Key Point:

Jamaicans have more time to register their votes for the entities and individuals of their choice delivering the best customer service.

The Facts

  • The new deadline for receipt of all nominations in the Public Sector Customer Service Competition has been extended from January 31 to February 28. All submissions must be made by 4:00 p.m. on the new date.
  • Vote for the Jamaica Information Service as Best Customer Service Entity today.

The Full Story

Jamaicans have more time to register their votes for the entities and individuals of their choice delivering the best customer service.

The new deadline for receipt of all nominations in the Public Sector Customer Service Competition has been extended from January 31 to February 28. All submissions must be made by 4:00 p.m. on the new date.

Vote for the Jamaica Information Service as Best Customer Service Entity today.

Communication Consultant at the Public Sector Modernisation Division in the Cabinet Office, Fabian Brown, said the date has been extended due to the heightened interest from the public in recent weeks.

“We noticed that the support, the interest has peaked and so we want to give as many people as possible the opportunity to participate and to vote for their entity of choice and their individual of choice,” he stated.

He said entities have been encouraging their clients to vote, while others have been sending emails to their customers to remind them of the competition. “So it is very important that we give the public an additional timeframe to ensure that everybody has the opportunity,” he added.

Mr. Brown announced a new feature of the competition, which, he said, will allow persons to win tickets to attend the awards ceremony, scheduled to take place in May/June.

He said persons interested in attending the ceremony should indicate their contact details on their nomination forms or do so when using the toll free line 1888-991-2752 to vote. Contact details could also be placed on the entry forms, which are placed in voting boxes available at the various entities. Persons can also indicate their contact information when voting online at www.cabinet.gov.jm

“We will be in touch with them so they can know that they were part of the nominating team of the winners of this year’s competition and they will be invited to the awards ceremony that will be coming up,” he stated.

All public sector bodies are eligible to enter the competition, including central civil service organisations, executive agencies, public companies, statutory bodies and government departments.

The competition was implemented in 1994 as a means of recognizing sustained commitment to service excellence. It was also intended to promote continuous improvement in the quality of service.

Last Updated: November 13, 2019

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