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Bursars Urged to Uphold Professional Standards

November 25, 2012

The Full Story

MONTEGO BAY – Newly installed President of the Caribbean Bursars' Association, Valerie Facey, has charged her membership to always uphold the highest standards of professional integrity.

Delivering her address at Thursday's (Nov.  22)  closing session of the association's conference held at the Hilton Rose Hall Hotel in St. James, Mrs. Facey told the school financial officers that issues related to compensation should not allow them to lose focus or compromise their professional responsibilities and ethics.

"Our delivery should be of the highest standard. It is our obligation to carry out our duties with the utmost transparency, competence and professionalism… not to bring the profession into disrepute, but strive to raise the bar to another level. Let our stakeholders and by extension, the nation, become aware that the job we have been entrusted to carry out is in safe and capable hands," Miss Facey stated.

She told the members that the association will continue to protect their welfare, and to strengthen their skills through training.

President of the Principals and Vice Principals Association, Pauline Reid, encouraged the bursars to continue striving for professional development and to encourage team engagement at schools.

"Whatever you do ultimately, you are impacting lives, and team members make schools successful. We must aim to create the level of synergy so that together, all persons within the school will support the school's mission, and seek to achieve ongoing school improvement," she stated.

She noted further that "to ensure an effective system, you must all seek to work in tandem with your school leaders so that together, we can provide opportunities for our students to reach their fullest potential."

The three-day conference, which ended on Friday (Nov. 23)  was held under the theme: 'School Business Managers Surviving Today's Challenges-Meeting Tomorrow's Needs'.

Last Updated: July 25, 2013

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