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State of Public Emergency Boundaries St Andrew South Police Division

By: , July 7, 2019

The Key Point:

The area to which the State of Public Emergency is to be applied shall be the Jamaica Constabulary Force St Andrew South Police Division. The detailed boundaries of the division are as outlined below:
State of Public Emergency Boundaries St Andrew South Police Division
Prime Minister, the Most Hon. Andrew Holness, ON, PC, MP

The Facts

  • East.  Starting at the foot of Red Hills at the intersection of Perkins Boulevard, Molynes Road and Red Hills Road, extending in a south-southeasterly direction along Molynes Road, Seaward Drive, Mimosa Road, Aloe Ave, Bay Farm Road, Newark Avenue, Elm Crescent, Keesing Avenue, Hagley Park Road, Omara Road, and Chisolm Avenue to the point of intersection with Maxfield Avenue.
  • South.  Extending in a south-westerly direction from the intersection of Chisolm Avenue and Maxfield Avenue, along Maxfield Avenue onto East Avenue to the coastline in the vicinity of Petrojam and extending along the said coastline in the vicinity of the Kingston Container Terminal to the Portmore Causeway Bridge.

The Full Story

The area to which the State of Public Emergency is to be applied shall be the Jamaica Constabulary Force St Andrew South Police Division. The detailed boundaries of the division are as outlined below:

East.  Starting at the foot of Red Hills at the intersection of Perkins Boulevard, Molynes Road and Red Hills Road, extending in a south-southeasterly direction along Molynes Road, Seaward Drive, Mimosa Road, Aloe Ave, Bay Farm Road, Newark Avenue, Elm Crescent, Keesing Avenue, Hagley Park Road, Omara Road, and Chisolm Avenue to the point of intersection with Maxfield Avenue.

South.  Extending in a south-westerly direction from the intersection of Chisolm Avenue and Maxfield Avenue, along Maxfield Avenue onto East Avenue to the coastline in the vicinity of Petrojam and extending along the said coastline in the vicinity of the Kingston Container Terminal to the Portmore Causeway Bridge.

West.  Continuing in a north-westerly direction from the Portmore Causeway Bridge along the Fresh River, the shared parish border of St Andrew and St Catherine west of Riverton, and extending to the vicinity of the western most end of the Belvedere to Ferry secondary road.

North.  Extending in an easterly direction along the Belvedere to Ferry road to the foot of Red Hills at the intersection of Perkins Boulevard, Molynes Road and Red Hills Road, the start point.

The security forces are seeking the cooperation and support of all Jamaicans, and urging persons to use either one of the available tip lines to report gang and other criminal activity in their communities. Persons can call the JDF Tip line, at 876-837-8888 or the police Tip line at 311.

Last Updated: July 8, 2019

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