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CAC Encourages Persons to Adhere to Impending Ban on Plastic

By: , December 4, 2018
CAC Encourages Persons to Adhere to Impending Ban on Plastic
Photo: Dave Reid

The Full Story

The Consumer Affairs Commission (CAC) is encouraging persons to adhere to the stipulations of the impending January 1, 2019, single-use plastic ban.

Speaking at a recent JIS ‘Think Tank’, Chief Executive Officer of the CAC, Dolsie Allen, said the Commission plays a role in addressing environmental issues and is aware of the dangers of plastic on the environment.

“We know the dangers; we see them when we have clean-ups, so we are asking persons to, as best as possible, avoid using these (single-use plastic) items. We are encouraging persons to adhere to the stipulations of the ban,” Mrs. Allen said.

She pointed out that the CAC supports any move by the Government that will ensure that the future generation can live in a safe environment.

“We are for a safe environment, and we will support any move by the Government that will ensure that our children and grandchildren can live in a safe environment,” Mrs. Allen said.

She noted that the CAC meets with agencies that have a stake in the environment, and the Commission will be participating in an upcoming National Consumers League forum, where matters such as the impending single-use plastic ban will be addressed.

Last Updated: December 4, 2018

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