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Deputy Speaker Congratulates Venezuela

By: , July 7, 2015

The Key Point:

Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives, Mr. Lloyd B. Smith, has congratulated the Government and people of Venezuela on the occasion of the country’s 204th anniversary on Sunday, July 5.
Deputy Speaker Congratulates Venezuela
Photo: Glenis Rose
Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives, Mr. Lloyd B. Smith, speaking at a ceremony in Montego Bay on July 5, to salute Venezuela on its 204th anniversary of independence.

The Facts

  • Mr. Smith, who is also Member of Parliament for West Central St. James, was addressing a large group of nationals from Venezuela on board the ‘Buque Escuela Simon Bolivar’, a naval training boat, which docked at Montego Bay cruise ship pier on July 5, the National Day of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.
  • He pointed out that Venezuela’s Independence was won through the great struggle, perseverance and determination of the Venezuelan people.

The Full Story

Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives, Mr.  Lloyd B. Smith, has congratulated the Government and people of Venezuela on the occasion of the country’s 204th anniversary on Sunday,  July 5.

“It is a great honour and my personal pleasure, on behalf of the Government of Jamaica, to extend heartfelt congratulations to the Government and people of Venezuela on the attainment of this important milestone.  We are particularly delighted to mark this auspicious occasion aboard this magnificent ‘Simon Bolivar’ teaching vessel in the beautiful and historic city of Montego Bay,” he said.

Mr. Smith, who is also Member of Parliament for West Central St. James, was addressing a large group of nationals from Venezuela on board the ‘Buque Escuela Simon Bolivar’, a naval training boat, which docked at Montego Bay cruise ship pier on July 5, the National Day of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.

Extending welcome to the Captain of the ship, Rear Admiral Jose Gregorio Bello Gonzalez and his crew, the Deputy Speaker pointed out that the Government  and people of Jamaica were “extremely pleased” that the visit was taking place at this time, to  celebrate the vibrant relationship the country shares with Venezuela over  many years.

“As we salute the Government of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and the people of this great nation on their Independence Day, so ably represented by (Ambassador), Her Excellency Ms. Maria Jacqueline Mendoza and her dynamic team, we reflect on Venezuela’s journey and the legacy left by its founding fathers,” Mr. Smith said.

He pointed out that Venezuela’s Independence was won through the great struggle, perseverance and determination of the Venezuelan people and the steadfast vision and revolutionary leadership of national heroes, such as Francisco de Miranda, Jose Feliz Ribas and ‘The Great Liberator’, Simon Bolivar.

“This year, Jamaica joins with Venezuela and the nations of the Americas in honouring Simon Bolivar on the occasion of the 200th anniversary of the Carta de Jamaica or the Jamaica Letter.  This historic document was written in Kingston in 1815 and outlined Bolivar’s dream for the unity and prosperity of the peoples of the Americas,” Mr. Smith said.

He noted that Simon Bolivar’s vision was the philosophical underpinning for the integration of the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean which in recent years, had gained great momentum and dynamism through the creation of the Community of Latin American and the Caribbean States (CELAC).

“For many years and across successive administrations on both sides, Venezuela and Jamaica have enjoyed a solid relationship of friendship and cooperation, particularly through the San Jose and Caracas energy accords and more recently, the PetroCaribe Agreement, which this year marks its tenth anniversary.  These instruments are symbols of the generosity of the Government and people of Venezuela towards Jamaica and the countries of the Caribbean and have had a meaningful impact on Jamaica’s economic and social development,” Mr. Smith said.

“As we salute your nation on this memorable day, I ask you (Madam Ambassador) to convey to President Maduro, the deep appreciation of the Government and people of Jamaica for the close bonds of friendship and cooperation that we have enjoyed over the years,” the Deputy Speaker added.

Last Updated: July 7, 2015

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