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98 Per Cent of Roads Cleared

October 23, 2004

The Full Story

Access has been restored to approximately 98 per cent of all roads across the island, State Minister for Transport and Works, Dr. Fenton Ferguson has said.
Speaking at a ceremony to reopen the west bound lane of the Sandy Gully Bridge along Spanish Town yesterday (Oct. 22), Dr. Ferguson disclosed that following the onslaught of Hurricane Ivan, the National Works Agency (NWA) received over 1,600 complaints regarding blocked roads and the agency had successfully cleared most of them.
“I am very happy to say that at this point, almost 98 per cent of our roads are now cleared, and where we have had difficulties are critical areas like in Tangle River, where we have had total failure, and Freeman’s Hall in Trelawny, where we have also had total failure and disappearance of the road, but on the whole, we have really moved the country back to a state of normalcy,” said Minister Ferguson.
The State Minister gave the assurance, however, that the NWA was working to restore access to all thoroughfares across the island, as soon as possible.

Last Updated: October 23, 2004

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