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$9 Million Spent to Repair Streets in Savanna-La-Mar

May 16, 2006

The Full Story

The Westmoreland Parish Council has spent more than $9 million to rehabilitate Great George, Lewis and Hudson Streets in Savanna-la-Mar, resulting in reduced congestion and enhanced traffic management across the parish capital.
According to Superintendent of the Roads and Works Department at the Council, Ezekiel Clarke, the main street in the town was extensively repaired, receiving micro surfacing and completed with professional street markings.
“The Great George Street has received some well needed repair works and (is now) properly marked, which has brought some semblance of order in terms of traffic and the whole appearance of this main street has been improved,” he pointed out.
“There has also been extensive rehabilitation works along other streets, coupled with a massive drain repair and cleaning programme along the precincts of the Savanna-la-Mar general hospital, as we prepare for the up-coming hurricane season,” Mr. Clarke told JIS News.
He noted that a committee within the Roads and Works Department has been at work in an effort to address the challenges of traffic congestion in the town and this was reaping success.
“Coming out of the work of the committee, some 20 police personnel from the St. James Area 1 Police Division came into the Westmoreland town and assisted us with needed traffic management techniques, which has had a positive impact on traffic management across the parish and particularly the Savanna-la-Mar town,” Mr. Clarke said.
He told JIS News that on-going patching of pot holes and drain cleaning would continue to be a priority across the parish, in preparation for the hurricane season.

Last Updated: May 16, 2006

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