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$798 Million to Upgrade Office Buildings

By: , April 27, 2016

The Key Point:

A sum of $798.7 million has been allocated to carry out infrastructural works to several office buildings of agencies of the Ministry of Finance and Planning.

The Facts

  • Of the sum, $478 million has been allotted to commence and complete construction of the build-out of the office space for the relocation of the Accountant General’s Department.
  • The new offices are expected to provide improved and efficient tax services to the public.

The Full Story

A sum of $798.7 million has been allocated to carry out infrastructural works to several office buildings of agencies of the Ministry of Finance and Planning.

The money has been set aside in the 2016/17 Estimates of Expenditure, now before the House of Representatives.

Of the sum, $478 million has been allotted to commence and complete construction of the build-out of the office space for the relocation of the Accountant General’s Department. This activity will include the procurement of new fixtures and furnishings.

Further, $224 million of the money has been provided to refurbish the facilities of the Jamaica Conference Centre.

Works will include audio and translating system repairs, building repairs, electrical installation, and roof wiring.

The remainder, $96.6 million, will be used for the construction of the new building to house the Falmouth Tax Office.

The new offices are expected to provide improved and efficient tax services to the public.

Last Updated: April 27, 2016

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