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$6 Million for Education Sector in North Western Clarendon

June 19, 2008

The Full Story

Minister of State in the Ministry of Industry, Investment and Commerce, Michael Stern, has announced that $6 million would be earmarked for education in North Western Clarendon, from the Constituency Development Fund (CDF).
Giving a breakdown, he pointed out that $500,000 would be allocated for vocational training; $850,000 for basic schools; $750,000 for primary school development; $500,000 for tertiary grants; $1 million for the Project of Hope (HEART Academy); $400,000 for library books and uniforms, and $1 million for remedial programmes.
Mr. Stern was making his contribution to the 2008/09 Sectoral Debate in the House of Representatives, yesterday (June 17).
The Member of Parliament also noted that he was requesting from the Minister of Education, $11 million for the Edwin Allen High School, to commence its night school programme in vocational training.
“This commendable project was approved by the Board of the school and the Ministry of Education,” he pointed out.
He also informed that $1 million would be taken from the CDF for the HEART Institute in Tweedside, so as to allow the institution to move some of the programmes it offers to Level Two. Mr. Stern said his constituency was forging a relationship with Food for the Poor, to launch a new programme with private sector partnership, to convert pit latrines at basic and primary schools throughout the constituency.
“Education is the key to success and therefore deserving of all the support it can get,” he emphasised.

Last Updated: June 19, 2008

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