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544 Persons Arrested by C-TOC in 2021

By: , August 9, 2022
544 Persons Arrested by C-TOC in 2021
Photo: Contributed
Logo of the Jamaica Constabulary Force.

The Full Story

The Counter-Terrorism and Organised Crime Investigation Branch (C-TOC) conducted 383 operations and 323 raids in 2021.

These resulted in the arrest of 544 persons, of which 364 were charged, and a total of 57 firearms, 1,727 rounds of ammunition and 14 stolen motor vehicles were recovered.

Details are provided in the Planning Institute of Jamaica’s (PIOJ) Economic and Social Survey Jamaica, 2021.

The survey noted that there were several seizures, which included intellectual property valued at $102.3 million, cash from proceeds of crime totalling $12.8 million and US$25,751, and other cash seizures of $15.8 million, US$19,200 and £2,280.

A number of court cases (115), originating from C-TOC, were disposed of during the year. Of the 115 cases disposed, 83 were by way of conviction.

On another matter, the Narcotics Division carried out 1,516 operations and seized 32,038.4 kilogrammes (kg) of marijuana, 22.8 per cent less than the 41,519.6 kg seized in 2020 and 1,220.6 kg of cocaine, 242 per cent more than the 356.9 kg seized in 2020.

The value of the marijuana seized was $320.4 million and the cocaine was valued at $1.5 billion.

Also, a total of 302 persons were arrested, of whom 287 were Jamaicans (185 males) and 15 foreign nationals (seven males).

Of those arrested, 195 were for marijuana: 189 Jamaicans (133 males) and six foreign nationals (four males). Another 90 persons were arrested for cocaine possession – 86 Jamaicans (43 males) and four foreign nationals (all females). Two persons were arrested for possession of ecstasy tablets and 15 for other breaches.

In addition, there were 125 cases brought before the courts, of which 115 resulted in conviction and 10 acquittals. Also, some 199.8 hectares of marijuana were eradicated during the period.

Meanwhile, the Narcotics Division continued its efforts to reduce the public desire for illegal and illicit drugs by conducting 137 demand reduction lectures and presentations islandwide, through which 4,862 individuals were sensitised.

Last Updated: August 9, 2022

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