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$250 Million for Renovation and Maintenance of Court Houses, $35 Million for Justice Improvement

March 30, 2010

The Full Story

A total of $250 million has been set aside in the 2010/2011 Estimates of Expenditure, now before the Houses of Representatives, to facilitate the renovation and maintenance of the country’s court houses.
The money will also go towards the purchase of equipment and other goods and services.
Meanwhile, an additional sum of $35 million will go towards justice improvement measures under the Citizens Security and Justice Project.
The money will be used to procure the services of a consultant, to develop and draft the legal framework, and for the training of judges, magistrates and practitioners on the new legal framework.
The consultant will also train Justices of the Peace and community leaders; and develop awareness and education strategy action plan and for the refurbishing of two centres to be used as community justice tribunals to facilitate approximately 10 sittings.
The allotment will also go towards compensation of employees, travel expenses and subsistence, purchase of equipment and other goods and services.
This initiative is being funded by the Inter-American Development Bank.

Last Updated: August 19, 2013

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