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22 Families Living in Sugar Barracks in Trelawny to be Relocated

By: , July 19, 2013

The Key Point:

They are to be relocated under the Spicy Hill (Steelfield) Sugar Estate Barracks Resettlement Housing Project

The Facts

  • The estimated cost of those projects is in the region of about $1.9 billion

The Full Story

Twenty two families, comprising 97 members, from within the sugar belt in Trelawny, should see a vast improvement in their living standard in a few months, as they are to be relocated to new and modern living facilities, under the Spicy Hill (Steelfield) Sugar Estate Barracks Resettlement Housing Project.

This is one of seven resettlement projects planned by the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries for sugarcane growing areas across the island, which should result in the improvement of the quality of life of persons living in sugar estate barracks.

Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries, Hon. Roger Clarke, signed the contract valued at $155.9 million, with Alcar Construction and Haulage Company Limited, for the construction of 39 housing solutions to facilitate the resettlement of the families, under the Spicy Hill (Steelfield) barracks relocation project, on July 18, in the Trelawny Parish Council’s Chamber.

The project is expected to be completed by the end of September, and the 22 families relocated.

In his address, Mr. Clarke said that for the period 2013 to the end of calendar year 2014, the Ministry has made provisions to resettle some 876 residents of sugar estate barracks.  He said this will be done through the construction of approximately 400 housing solutions at the seven relocation sites located across four sugarcane growing parishes.

The Minister informed that the estimated cost of those projects is in the region of about $1.9 billion.

“The dwellings are to be provided at a rate of one building per family, including toilet and cooking facilities. The land space will be adequate for housing as well as small-scale economic activities,” he pointed out.

“The size of the houses allocated will vary, based on the size of the families to be resettled,” the Minister explained.

Mr. Clarke expressed gratitude to the European Union (EU) for its continued support of the Government in its efforts to reform the sugar industry, and improve the lives of persons living in sugar dependent communities.

The Minister called on the residents to play their part in strengthening the economy of their respective areas, through the expansion of cane production, improved productivity and efficiency in the sugar industry.

Last Updated: July 25, 2013

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