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$2.4 Billion to Repair Roads, Drains and Gullies

December 17, 2008

The Full Story

The Government, as part of its response to the global economic crisis, has authorised an additional expenditure of $2.4 billion to undertake urgent repairs to roads, drains and gullies, which will provide employment for many persons.
“Work has already started in several parts of the island. This will provide much needed employment in these tough times,” Prime Minister Bruce Golding said, during his broadcast to the nation on December 14.
Mr. Golding also informed that the Constituency Development Fund (CDF), which was introduced in April, is also financing meaningful projects in each constituency, improving the quality of life and creating jobs.
“I urge all Members of Parliament to select and monitor their projects carefully, to ensure value for taxpayers’ money and maximum benefit to the communities,” he said.
In addition, Mr. Golding called on Jamaicans to position themselves, so that when the crisis has passed and the recovery begins, “we can be at the head of the line.”
“Some of these will involve far-reaching policy and structural changes to make Jamaica more business and investment friendly, improve our human and institutional capacity and make ourselves a more productive and competitive economy,” the Prime Minister said.
“These are things we needed to do in any case. In the face of the global crisis, we need to do them more than ever. There are a number of initiatives we have been working on all of this year and they will inform the preparation of the budget for the next fiscal year and the programmes we will pursue,” he added.
Meanwhile, the Prime Minister pointed out that Jamaica “has been through tough times many times and we will come through again this time.”
“If we pull together, if we build a national coalition with one agenda to put Jamaica on the right path, we can face this crisis and the future that lies in front of it, with courage and confidence,” Mr. Golding said.

Last Updated: December 17, 2008

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