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185 Members of the JCF Recognised for their Invaluable Service

By: , December 2, 2018

The Key Point:

A total of 185 members of the Jamaica Constabulary Force (JCF) who have completed 18 years of continuous service in the Force and whose conduct and character have been exemplary, were recognised for their invaluable service.
185 Members of the JCF Recognised for their Invaluable Service
Photo: Michael Sloley
Minister of National Security, Hon. Dr. Horace Chang (right) converses with Commissioner of Police, Major General Antony Anderson during the Jamaica Constabulary Force’s (JCF) Medal of Honour for Long Service and Good Conduct awards ceremony, held on the grounds of the Police Officers’ Club in St. Andrew on November 29.
185 Members of the JCF Recognised for their Invaluable Service
Photo: Michael Sloley
Minister of National Security, Hon. Dr. Horace Chang congratulates members of the Jamaica Constabulary Force who received medal of honour for long service and good conduct during an awards ceremony held on the grounds of the Police Officers’ Club in St. Andrew on November 29.
185 Members of the JCF Recognised for their Invaluable Service
Photo: Michael Sloley
Commissioner of Police, Major General Antony Anderson (right) presents a medal to Edith Edwards who collected on behalf of her grandson, St. Andre Michael Goulbourne who died of natural causes. The medal was presented during the Jamaica Constabulary Force’s (JCF) Medal of Honour for Long Service and Good Conduct awards ceremony, held on the grounds of the Police Officers’ Club in St. Andrew on November 29.

The Facts

  • The Security Minister also noted that the Ministry continues to pursue amendments to outdated legislation, as well as enact critical laws.
  • The Medal of Honour for Long Service and Good Conduct may be awarded to members of the Jamaica Constabulary Force below the rank of Assistant Superintendent.

The Full Story

A total of 185 members of the Jamaica Constabulary Force (JCF) who have completed 18 years of continuous service in the Force and whose conduct and character have been exemplary, were recognised for their invaluable service.

During the JCF Medal of Honour for Long Service and Good Conduct awards ceremony, held on the grounds of the Police Officers’ Club on November 29, medals were presented to recipients by Commissioner of Police, Major General Antony Anderson.

In his remarks, Minister of National Security, Hon. Dr. Horace Chang thanked the recipients for their unwavering service and hard work, noting that they “have proven their merit and mettle and have risen to the fore among their peers and superiors”.

“You are examples today of the spirit of cooperation and growth that must prevail within this force, in order to effect the society we all wish to see,” he said.

Dr. Chang reiterated the Government’s commitment to providing the resources that the JCF requires to properly execute its functions.

“We will work with the JCF high command to determine how we will traverse the transformation that must occur in the force,” he said.

The Security Minister also noted that the Ministry continues to pursue amendments to outdated legislation, as well as enact critical laws.

“This will ensure that when solid, investigative work is carried out, that leads to arrests, the law will be commensurate to the crime – honouring the work of the officers who would have laboured to gather evidence,” he said.

Dr. Chang stated that the transformation of the Jamaican society, is hinged in part to a transformation in policing.

“We must now equip our security forces with the tools of the trade, the training suitable to the day, and the technology of the time,” he added.

Dr. Chang said the reduction in murders by 21.6 per cent is testament to the fact that “we have within our rank and file, the skill, the intelligence, the agility to move our society toward peace and stability”.

The Long Service Award is the Jamaica Constabulary Force’s (JCF) premier award ceremony.

It seeks to celebrate, highlight and encourage those who inspire others with their vision, leadership and service. The awards were initially sanctioned by the National Honours and Awards Act of 1969.

The Medal of Honour for Long Service and Good Conduct may be awarded to members of the Jamaica Constabulary Force below the rank of Assistant Superintendent.

Last Updated: December 3, 2018

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