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114-Member Team For Commonwealth Games

By: , July 4, 2014

The Key Point:

The Jamaica Olympic Association (JOA) has announced a 114-member team for the XX Commonwealth Games in Glasgow, Scotland.
114-Member Team For Commonwealth Games
Minister with responsibility for Sport, Hon. Natalie Neita Headley, addresses a press conference held today (July 3) at the Pegasus hotel in New Kingston, where the team for the XX Commonwealth Games in Glasgow, Scotland, was announced. Also pictured are (from left): Secretary General of the Jamaica Olympic Association (JOA), Christopher Samuda; and President of the JOA, the Hon. Michael Fennell.

The Facts

  • The Games will be held from July 23 to August 3, and will see Jamaica participating in track and field, badminton, boxing, cycling, gymnastics, netball, shooting, squash, swimming/diving, table tennis, and triathlon.
  • “The team is the largest ever, and arguably the strongest, and our expectations and hopes are great. The Commonwealth Games have a special place in Jamaica’s history in sport,” said Minister with responsibility for Sport, Hon. Natalie Neita Headley.

The Full Story

The Jamaica Olympic Association (JOA) has announced a 114-member team for the XX Commonwealth Games in Glasgow, Scotland.

The Games will be held from July 23 to August 3, and will see Jamaica participating in track and field, badminton, boxing, cycling, gymnastics, netball, shooting, squash, swimming/diving, table tennis, and triathlon.

“I know that in many respects, history will be created and Jamaica’s flag will be hoisted in recognition of national achievements,” said Minister with responsibility for Sport, Hon. Natalie Neita Headley.

She was speaking at a press conference held today (July 3), at the Pegasus hotel in New Kingston, where the team was announced.

“The team is the largest ever, and arguably the strongest, and our expectations and hopes are great. The Commonwealth Games have a special place in Jamaica’s history in sport,” the Minister added.

She noted that the event helps to build friendship among nations, and embodies closeness that goes beyond race, gender, class and culture.

She said that Jamaica has made significant contribution in building the Games, “and will continue to be instrumental in advancing its ideals.”

The Minister, in lauding the commitment of the athletes and sports administrators, noted that they are national ambassadors. “We acknowledge with gratitude the contribution of our sport managers, administrators, coaches and professionals, who continue to devote their skills and expertise in the national interest. We are eternally grateful,” she said.

Some of the men and women who will be participating in the Games are, Veronica Campbell-Brown, Kerron Stewart, Shelly-Ann Fraser-Pryce, Usain Bolt, Warren Weir, Romelda Aiken, and Alia Atkinson.

“We are ready to march into Glasgow, strong and proud carrying the flag of Jamaica land we love,” Minister Neita Headley declared.

Last Updated: July 4, 2014

Jamaica Information Service