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$100 Million to Address Social Concerns of Sugar Workers

May 2, 2007

The Full Story

The government is to spend $100 Million to address the social concerns of sugar workers. This was disclosed by Prime Minister Portia Simpson during her contribution to the 2007 Budget Debate in Gordon House on Tuesday (May 1).
She said the Ministry of Agriculture and Lands has engaged in consultations with trade union leaders and is in the process of developing a comprehensive programme to deal with training, health care, housing and other pressing social needs which affect sugar workers. She said the $100 Million was only the beginning, adding that a Sugar Unit was being established at the Ministry of Agriculture to determine the social needs of the industry and how they can be addressed.
Mrs. Simpson Miller pointed out that the National Housing Trust has earmarked $6 Billion for sugar workers housing and that 1,891 lots have already been delivered to workers at New Yarmouth, Monymusk, Frome, Appleton, Bernard Lodge and Bellrock. A further 819 lots are planned for delivery to workers at Stokes Hall, Long Pond and Hampden.
Under the programme, sugar workers have the option of purchasing one bedroom and studio units or, access a benefit under the National Housing Trust’s Build On Own Land programme.

Last Updated: May 2, 2007

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