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$1.7 Billion Flood Damage in Corporate Area

October 15, 2010

The Full Story

Preliminary estimates from the City Engineer’s Department of the Kingston and St. Andrew Corporation (KSAC) show that infrastructural damage occurring within the Corporate Area, resulting from tropical storm Nicole, amounts to some $1.7 billion.
Addressing the KSAC’s monthly meeting in downtown Kingston, today (October 12), Mayor of Kingston and KSAC Chairman, Senator Desmond McKenzie, pointed out that Kingston and St. Andrew bore the “brunt” of the damage and deaths occurring islandwide.
Senator McKenzie said the extent of the dislocation occurring includes: over 400,000 sq. metres of scoured roadway, which will have to be restored; and 19,000 metres of damaged retaining walls and inverts, which will have to be reconstructed.
He pointed out that of the 400 corridors of roads which were blocked by varying debris deposited by flood waters,70 per cent have been cleared to facilitate vehicular and pedestrian traffic.
Consequent on the damage and dislocation, Senator McKenzie said representatives from the KSAC and the City Engineer’s Department will tour affected communities, beginning Thursday (October 12), to further examine the damage and to see how best to effect relief to persons affected.
He pointed out that the team will be going to West Rural St. Andrew on Thursday and to East Rural St. Andrew on Friday. “We will visit all 10 rural divisions to get a better view of what has taken place in many of these communities,” the Mayor said.
Senator McKenzie also extended condolences, on the Council’s behalf, to the families of the persons who lost their lives during the heavy rains, adding the KSAC will do “whatever we can, in our own small way, to help those persons who are suffering at this time.”
He requested Town Clerk, Errol Greene, to get the names of the deceased and their relatives, and make the necessary arrangements to have the appropriate correspondence prepared and sent.

Last Updated: August 13, 2013

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