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KSAC to Provide More Vending Spaces for Christmas

By: , October 8, 2013

The Key Point:

In addition, KSAC will be putting temporary vending arrangements in place around the Parade area, in the vicinity of St. William Grant Park and North, East and West Parade.
KSAC to Provide More Vending Spaces for Christmas
Mayor of Kingston, Senator Councillor Angela Brown Burke, addressing Tuesday’s (October 8) Kingston and St. Andrew Corporation (KSAC) Council meeting, at its Church Street chambers, in downtown Kingston.

The Facts

  • The Mayor is urging vendors to register, so they can sell their goods legally in sections of the commercial district.
  • A series of stakeholder meetings will be held to put the necessary plans in place to have organized vending for the upcoming Christmas season.

The Full Story

The Kingston and St. Andrew Corporation (KSAC) will be providing additional spaces for vendors to ply their wares in the downtown commercial district, during the upcoming Christmas season.

This was disclosed by Mayor of Kingston, Senator Councillor Angela Brown Burke, at the KSAC Council meeting, held at its Church Street offices, in downtown Kingston, today (October 8).

“Management has assured me that they are well advanced in putting into place additional vending spaces in our markets,” she said.

In addition, she said the KSAC will be putting temporary vending arrangements in place around the Parade area, in the vicinity of St. William Grant Park and North, East and West Parade.

“This is not a call for all and sundry to set up shop in these areas.  In fact, all persons must be authorized to do so and must also be pre-registered. New players are not expected in the market, all we are doing is trying to regularise those who are in and around Parade at this time” she said.

In the meantime, the Mayor is urging vendors to register, so they can sell their goods legally in sections of the commercial district.

Ms. Brown Burke noted that apart from reducing congestion and disorder on the streets,  this will assist the relevant authorities to make adequate plans.

She added that this will also help the police with enforcement; provide information to establish an accurate database; provide a means of identification for authorized vendors, accompanied by an agreed set of rules regarding disposal of garbage, and the laying out of goods; and allow for public participation and feedback.

“This forms part of our attempts to identify new initiatives. This is a trial exercise. The final form will be based on evaluation and feedback and will be part of a resolution for consideration at Council, no later than our next meeting,” she said.

The Mayor noted that a series of stakeholder meetings will be held to put the necessary plans in place to have organized vending for the upcoming Christmas season.

She said the meetings will include vendors, members of the Jamaica Constabulary Force, representatives from the Jamaica Chamber of Commerce as well as citizens.

On the matter of  handcart operators,  the Mayor  said  all handcarts conveying goods are required to be registered with the KSAC; and handcart operators are required to pay an annual registration fee of $3,000.00. This is the same fee paid by vendors operating inside the markets.

Last Updated: October 15, 2013

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