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Work to Rehabilitate St. William Grant Park to Begin in Two Weeks

March 15, 2007

The Full Story

Phase one of the $80 million project to upgrade the St. William Grant Park in downtown Kingston is expected to commence within the next two weeks.
Project Manager at the Urban Development Corporation (UDC), Paul Griffith, told JIS News that the scope of work would include the rehabilitation of the bathroom facilities at the northeast and southwest corners of the park; power washing of the perimeter walls; repairs to sidewalks; sanitization of the park; replacement of bulbs; and placing of steel railings around the general park area.
He said that once this phase was completed, work would begin on phase two, which would entail the completion of electrical works and the rehabilitation of the bathrooms; restoration of the fountain; and general landscaping works.
Mr. Griffith told JIS News that the project, which was being undertaken in collaboration with the Kingston City Centre Improvement Company (KCCIC), was to rehabilitate the facilities of the park, which had deteriorated over the years.
“It has been many years since works have been done on the original park. Times have changed, and there has been a general deterioration and a need to restore and make good the existing facilities there to make it the centre piece and a focal point for downtown Kingston. As the only large green area, we would like to ensure that it remains in pristine condition,” he pointed out.
Mr. Griffith noted that upon completion of this project, not only would the aesthetic appeal of the park be enhanced, but citizens and visitors to the island would have a place to escape and relax from their daily activities.
“We hope that people will use the park for both passive and active recreation. Persons can come and sit and enjoy the break from the hustle and bustle of the city. The park can also be used for entertainment purposes such as musical performances, the reading of poems, or even video productions,” he pointed out.

Last Updated: March 15, 2007

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