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Westmoreland Honours Local Heroes

October 21, 2010

The Full Story

Ten persons, who had given outstanding service towards the development of the parish of Westmoreland, were on Monday (October 18) showered with accolades and awards for their contributions to the parish and country.
At the annual Heroes Day Salute held at Norman Square, Savanna-la-mar, homage was paid to Cpl. A.K. Johnson, John Tingling, Irene McDonald, Beryl Johnson and Sadie Walcott-Hensell for contribution to community development; Ina Murdock and Pastor Carlton Jones, education; Audrey Grant, health; and Karen Banhan for culture.
A special award for bravery was presented to attendant at the Savanna-la- mar Hospital, Inez Petgrave, who raised an alarm of a fire at the back of the hospital earlier this year and helped to bring patients to safety.

Custos of Westmoreland Hon. Owen Sinclair (Left) and Mayor of Savanna-La-Mar Bertel Moore share in conversation during the Westmoreland Heroes’ Day Salute in Savanna-la-Mar on Monday (October 18).

Governor-General, His Excellency the Most Hon. Sir Patrick Allen, in his Heroes Day message, which was read by Custos, Owen Sinclair, said that in the quest to build the country, it is important to “reflect on the past and renew our hope in our people, our land and our heritage.”
“The journey of nationhood has many challenges that either originate locally or are caused by external factors, but despite our setbacks and the events that sometimes cause us to despair, we must believe in our people, our land and our heritage and, encouraged by the knowledge of the strength and courage of our heroes, ensure that Jamaica becomes a peaceful, productive and prosperous nation,” he stated.
Prime Minister, the Hon. Bruce Golding’s message, which was read by Don Foote, called on Jamaicans to draw inspiration from the heroes and “recommit to the building of our nation, the advancement of our people and the full attainment of the justice, peace and prosperity for which they strived and are to be honoured.”
“There is so much in the spirit that drove (the heroes); the courage they displayed, the hope that they ignited that provides a template for us not only for these times but for all times,” he stated.

Mrs. Ina Louise Murdock (right), receives a plaque from Miss Westmoreland Festival Queen 2010, Sharna Gay Brown, for her outstanding service to the parish in the field of education. Occasion was the parish’s Heroes Day Salute held on Monday (Oct. 18) in Savanna-la-mar.

The message from the Leader of the Opposition, the Most Hon. Portia Simpson Miller in the meantime, stated that “we owe much to our heroes for the pride and dignity we have as Jamaicans among the nations of the world.”
“At every stage and in each chapter of our national journey, our ancestors and leaders distinguished themselves as selfless patriots, who believed that we were created a proud people with a noble destiny,” said the message, which was read by Councillor Paul Wilson.
The function was organised by the Jamaica Cultural Development Commission (JCDC) in association with the Westmoreland Heritage Week Committee, under the theme: ‘I believe in Jamaica . our people, our land, our heritage’.

Last Updated: August 13, 2013

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