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Sector to be Enhanced by Health Information System Initiative

July 16, 2009

The Full Story

Several aspects of the country’s health sector will be modernised, under the Republic of Korea-aided health information system initiative, which was announced by Health Minister, Hon. Rudyard Spencer, yesterday (July 15).
Elaborating on the initiative at his post-Sectoral Debate press briefing, at the Ministry, in Kingston, today (July 16), the Minister pointed out that the US$1.5 million support includes the patient management information application for Jamaica’s public sector facilities.
This aspect of the initiative is to be piloted at the Kingston Public Hospital (KPH) and the Victoria Jubilee Hospital (VJH), next month.
The system will also provide an information management facility at the Ministry to receive, generate, process and issue data, including patient and utilisation information that is generated at health facilities.
Mr. Spencer further said that there would also be a national health information website to improve communication with the public, and improve stakeholders’ access to health information.
Personnel from the Ministry will be trained in South Korea to enable the Ministry to manage, operate and maintain the system after the Korean support has ended. In addition, a Local Area Network (LAN) will be implemented at the KPH and the VJH, software and hardware put in and support maintenance provided for two years.

Last Updated: August 26, 2013

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