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PM Urges Jamaicans to Keep Faith with Economic Programme

By: , June 19, 2015

The Key Point:

Prime Minister, the Most Hon. Portia Simpson Miller, is imploring Jamaicans “to keep faith” with the social and economic programme that the Government is pursuing.
PM Urges Jamaicans to Keep Faith with Economic Programme
Photo: Donald Delahaye
Prime Minister, the Most Hon. Portia Simpson Miller (left), presents a framed citation to outgoing Managing Director, Jamaica Social Investment Fund (JSIF), Scarlette Gillings, during a farewell luncheon in honour of the outgoing Managing Director at the Mona Visitor’s Lodge and Conference Centre in St. Andrew today (June 17).

The Facts

  • She said the programme is being pursued to achieve sustainable growth and development for all Jamaicans.
  • Under the current Economic Reform Programme (ERP), significant progress has been made in reducing the debt, improving the country’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and Net International Reserves (NIR) and reducing inflation, among other things.

The Full Story

Prime Minister, the Most Hon. Portia Simpson Miller, is imploring Jamaicans “to keep faith” with the social and economic programme that the Government is pursuing.

She said the programme is being pursued to achieve sustainable growth and development for all Jamaicans.

“I know that there are many challenges in the family, the community and the nation. However, working together, we are on our way to a brighter future. This is the ultimate aim of our Economic Reform Programme and the poverty reduction efforts,” she said.

Mrs. Simpson Miller was speaking at a farewell luncheon in honour of former Managing Director, Jamaica Social Investment Fund (JSIF), Scarlette Gillings, at the Mona Visitors’ Lodge and Conference Centre in St. Andrew yesterday (June 17).

She noted that while the country has made some progress in terms of its economic recovery “we all recognise that that we still have a lot more to do to achieve lasting prosperity for our people.”

“I have an abiding faith that the people of Jamaica, along with their Government, the private sector, civil society and international partners, will collectively and successfully complete the journey to economic independence,” she said.

Under the current Economic Reform Programme (ERP), significant progress has been made in reducing the debt, improving the country’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and Net International Reserves (NIR) and reducing inflation, among other things.


Last Updated: June 19, 2015

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