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PM Meets with JPSCO on Service Interruption Issue

By: , May 14, 2014

The Key Point:

Prime Minister, the Most Hon. Portia Simpson Miller convened a meeting on Wednesday, May 14, with officials from the Jamaica Public Service Company Limited, JPSCo.
PM Meets with JPSCO on Service Interruption Issue
Prime Minister Portia Simpson Miller (third right) in dialogue with Ms Kelly Tomblin(second left), Chief Executive Officer of the Jamaica Public Service Company Limited JPSCo and other executives who accompanied her to a meeting with the Prime Minister on Wednesday, May 14 at Jamaica House. The meeting was convened to discuss the company’s decision to interrupt service to communities in which it is experiencing up to 70% theft of electricity. Also in attendance were Senator Sandrea Falconer, Minister with Responsibility for Information, Hon. Julian Robinson, State Minister in the Ministry of Science Technology, Energy and Mining, Attorney General Patrick Atkinson, Hon. Horace Dalley, Minister without Portfolio in the Ministry of Finance and Planning, Dr the Hon. Omar Davies, Minister of Transport, Works and Housing and Ms Onika Miller, Permanent Secretary in the Office of the Prime Minister. (FILE)

The Facts

  • The JPSCo recently decided to interrupt service to communities in which it is experiencing up to 70% theft of electricity.
  • The meeting agreed to the establishment of a joint Government/JPSCo Committee.

The Full Story

Prime Minister, the Most Hon. Portia Simpson Miller convened a meeting on Wednesday, May 14, with officials from the Jamaica Public Service Company Limited, JPSCo, in the wake of the company’s decision to interrupt service to communities in which it is experiencing up to 70% theft of electricity.

The meeting, held at Jamaica House, was attended by Government Ministers Omar Davies, Horace Dalley, Sandrea Falconer, State Minister Julian Robinson and the Attorney General, as well as Executives of the JPSCo.

Prime Minister Simpson Miller made it clear that the government does not support the theft of electricity. However, she urged the JPSCo to find a way to deal with the matter of illegal connections without punishing customers who are paying for the service.

“Legitimate customers cannot be forced to suffer for those who break the law,” the Prime Minister said.

For its part, the JPSCo expressed regret at not having dialogue with the government prior to its decision and also apologized to its paying customers who were affected by the action taken.

The meeting agreed to the establishment of a joint Government/JPSCo Committee under the chairmanship of the Minister of State in the Ministry of Science, Technology, Energy and Mining, Julian Robinson, to look at a range of solutions to the theft of electricity and related matters. The Committee will have its first meeting next week.

Last Updated: May 14, 2014

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