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ODPEM to Receive $72.9 Million for Landslide Risk Reduction Project

By: , April 10, 2014

The Key Point:

ODPEM is to continue implementing the Community-Based Landslide Risk Reduction project this fiscal year with a provision of $72.9 million.
ODPEM to Receive $72.9 Million for Landslide Risk Reduction Project

The Facts

  • The project seeks to reduce the risk of natural disasters in vulnerable communities, and to provide an evidence-based toolkit for vulnerability reduction throughout the Caribbean.
  • Up to March 2014 under the project, four designs of small landslide drainage plan/micro mitigation for four selected communities were completed.

The Full Story

The Office of Disaster Preparedness and Emergency Management (ODPEM) is to continue implementing the Community-Based Landslide Risk Reduction project this fiscal year with a provision of $72.9 million.

This sum has been set aside in the 2014/15 Estimates of Expenditure, currently being reviewed by the Standing Finance Committee of the House of Representatives.

The project seeks to reduce the risk of natural disasters in vulnerable communities, and to provide an evidence-based toolkit for vulnerability reduction throughout the Caribbean.

Up to March 2014 under the project, four designs of small landslide drainage plan/micro mitigation for four selected communities were completed; and three of the nine chapters for inclusion in the Jamaica Toolkit (Community Selection, Engagement, Mapping and Training) drafted.

In addition, a training and communications plan has been developed; visibility and awareness-raising activities have been conducted in the four targeted communities; and Community Disaster Risk Management (CDRM) groups have been established in three of the four communities.

For fiscal year 2014/15, construction of drainage infrastructure in the four targeted communities is to commence; training of community members and government officials will be conducted; a training video and documentary will be produced; and a workshop will be conducted with local authorities for awareness raising dissemination.

In addition, it is anticipated that visibility activities including: design and placement of community project signs, the use of promotional items, billboards and murals, will be conducted.

Funded by the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, and the Government of Jamaica, the project, will run from April, 2014 to December, 2014.

Last Updated: April 10, 2014

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