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Update on Populated Shelters Across Jamaica

August 19, 2007

The Full Story

A total of 213 shelters are now opened across the island, housing some 5,169 persons. They are:
Parish # of Shelters # of PersonsTrelawny 19 451St. Thomas 14 264St. Mary 5 68St. James 22 555St. Catherine 16 394St. Ann 19 461Portland 31 914Manchester 21 90KSA 21 714Hanover 17 268Clarendon 11 415Westmoreland 8 352St. Elizabeth 9 223TOTAL 213 5169
The public is reminded that, under the National Shelter Programme, government-owned schools are designated as shelters. Information about shelters in your parish can be obtained from the Parish Disaster Coordinator (PDC) at Parish Councils islandwide or from the ODPEM. Make sure to find the safest possible route to the nearest shelter.
The following items can be taken to a shelter: blankets; flashlights and extra batteries; extra clothing; medication; 24 hours supply of non-perishable food and water – do not forget to take with you a can opener; toiletries such as soap, toilet tissue and sanitary napkins; infant necessities such as diapers and baby food; disposable cups, plates and forks; a portable radio and batteries; and a First Aid Kit.
The progress of Hurricane Dean will continue to be closely monitored by the Meteorological Service of Jamaica and the Office of Disaster Preparedness and Emergency Management (ODPEM) and updates will be released to the public as soon as new information has been gathered.
Contact: Kerry-Ann Morris, Information Officer, kmorris@odpem.org.jm

Last Updated: August 19, 2007

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