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Union Bank Staff in Florida Donate Money, Supplies to Jamaica

September 24, 2004

The Full Story

Members of staff of the Union Bank in South Florida have donated over US$3000 in cash and supplies to hurricane victims in Jamaica.
The presentation was made to Consul General, Ricardo Allicock at his office in Miami recently. The donation comprises a cheque for $2,500 towards the Consulate’s Hurricane Relief Fund, food items and supplies for babies.
Assistant Vice President and local branch manager, Karl McNish, who is a Jamaican national, explained that on hearing of the needs of the citizens, who suffered losses during the hurricane, the staff had undertaken a collection drive and the management agreed to make a cash donation. He said that the collection drive would continue.
Meanwhile, Consul General, Ricardo Allicock, informed that the reconstruction effort was underway and the government was working with the private sector and civic organizations to provide relief for affected persons. He expressed gratitude to the bank’s staff for their generous contributions, which he indicated would reach the areas of greatest need on the island.
He also commended Jamaicans throughout the various communities, who in their own small way, had contributed to the country’s rebuilding effort.
Bank employees, Winsome Bryan and Althea Gunning, who hail from St. Ann and St. Elizabeth respectively, said they had communicated with their families in Jamaica and would be providing them with assistance.
Both nationals were pleased with the hurricane relief efforts coordinated by the Jamaica Consulate in Miami and the wider community, and for the overwhelming response to the needs of nationals at home.

Last Updated: September 24, 2004

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